Nine Amazing Health Outcomes with This ONE Lifestyle Hack!
What if a “simple” lifestyle hack could guarantee that you could:
* live longer than others by 19%
* have statistically less of many cancers, including breast cancer
* have less atrial fibrillation and less congestive heart failure
* have less strokes and heart attacks and reduce all-cause mortality and coronary heart disease by 30-50%
* have less cognitive decline and less Alzheimer’s disease
* have less neurodegenerative disease
* slow down your biological aging and improve your inner and outer appearance
* regulate body weight as a result of appetite signaling
* increase muscle mass and fat loss (if you can’t seem to gain muscle, you probably have imbalanced hormones)
Would you incorporate this “easy” lifestyle hack into your life, knowing this?
I sure hope you said yes, because this one lifestyle hack is nothing other than “using BIOIDENTICAL HORMONES on a daily basis” once your own body no longer continues to produce them. If you don’t believe me that bioidentical hormones can do all these and more, check out the references below.
Yep, the data is absolutely in. There is no question on the benefits of bioidentical hormones. If your doctor is not prescribing bioidentical hormones to you after (or before) going through menopause (women) or andropause (men), he or she is not helping you at all. In fact, they are committing malpractice by NOT offering you bioidentical hormones.
Unfortunately, though, this malpractice is happening everyday. Sadly, your conventional medicine doctor is more likely NOT to prescribe you hormones because medical schools no longer teach about hormonal medicine. I never learned about it in my training. I had to find this out on my own, after I had my basic conventional medicine training. Most practitioners don’t continue their education after graduation. Instead, they get their continuing education from pharmaceutical reps, who are only pushing their drugs. That’s not education, that is a conflict of interest!
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Why do you think they are not teaching this in medical school? Because if you have all the benefits I mentioned above, there would be no need for pharmaceutical intervention, and thus there would go their “cash cow.” Remember to always “Follow the Money,” when it comes to understanding why conventional medicine does what they do or doesn’t do what they should do!
I can’t overstate how important it is for every single woman and man to be on bioidentical hormones once they have been through their biological changes (or even before). You are never too old to start bioidentical hormones, but know that the sooner you start, the sooner you will see all the amazing benefits and the sooner you will stop the damage that is occurring when not using them.
To get started in our practice and help you discover this “fountain of youth” go HERE to schedule you and your spouse’s attendance at one of our FREE educational events. We can’t wait to see you!
Or, if you have already been to one of our free educational events and you are now ready to get started in one of our wellness programs, I have got a great incentive for you. When you sign up for one of our 4, 6, or 9-month wellness programs, you will receive one free personal training session from our collaborating trainer. This is a $50 bonus towards meeting your goals.
Why do we want you to get started with a trainer also? Because there are only THREE things that will help you build muscle, which is also so important for your overall heatlh: 1) resistance training; 2) adequate protein (and calorie) intake); and 3) bioidentical hormones. I can provide you assistance with the latter two, but our personal trainer can help you with the first one!
We don’t want you to fail, so we have all the elements for success included in our programs!
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Liu, Y.,& Li, C. (2024). Hormone Therapy and Biological Aging in Postmenopausal Women.
Other Blog Posts on Hormones:
Benefits of Testosterone for Women
How to Achieve Ideal Testosterone in Men
The 3 Lies You Have Been Brain-washed to Believe About Hormones
Scientific Research Studies on Estrogen and Progesterone and Effect in Breast Cancer Survivors
How Hormonal Imbalances Can Trigger Headaches and How You Can Fix It
Got Joint Pain? Trust Me…Your Doctor Won’t Know This Simple Solution
Can Estrogen Be Protective in Women Against Coronavirus?