Tracking Your Poop (Diarrhea) During Coronavirus (COVID-19) Monitoring

I was hesitant to report this news, but I would be remiss as a healthcare practitioner not to take this new information seriously, considering the report is from a recent scientific research study, and was also summarized as an immediate release bullentin from The American College of Gastroenterology. I do NOT want to further increase stress levels with this piece of news, so please use this information as another means to beef up your immune health. I have provided you several ways to improve your immune health at “Our COVID-19 (Coronavirus Wellness Plan)” HERE and on my Facebook Page and in my client email blast. If you haven’t yet signed up for my email blasts, please do so on my homepage.

Our COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Wellness Plan

As you probably already know, the most common presenting symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, and respiratory symptoms. These symptoms can progress to pneumonia and acute respiratory syndrome, then death, as I described HERE. Remember, in a study released by Italy’s national health authority, it was reported that 99% of those pronounced dead due to the COVID-19 outbreak were already struggling with chronic disease, which is why I am providing you with this information since my practice is focused to help those with chronic disease.

A new study, recently published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology, was conducted by researchers from the Wuhan Medical Treatment Expert Group for COVID-19.

Contrary to what has previously been reported, we are now finding out that gastrointestinal issues, with plenty of diarrhea, can be present with COVID-19. Unfortunately, it has also been assessed that those with digestive issues, their chances of recovery are significantly less.

Compared to those admitted to the hospital without digestive issues, onset to admission was a significantly longer time in those with digestive symptoms (7.3 days verses 9 days, respectively). Thus, it is symptoms, e.g. diarrhea, that can actually be the presenting feature of COVID-19. In fact, this study reports that in rare instances, patients can even present with digestive symptoms in the absence of respiratory symptoms.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is not going anywhere, anytime soon. It is imperative that people with known chronic disease get well, and get well now. Dr. Cheryl Winter/VITAL Health Solutions is here to help you do just that. As a nurse practitioner in Texas, I am able to work across state lines during this crisis. You can schedule a virtual appointment HERE.

I am also keeping close watch for a self-administered COVID-19 test. I will know more about a home COVID-19 test soon, and will keep you posted. This test will be provided to my clients at cost via mail, when and if they become available to me.

Stay safe and well. Above all, please do not stress, and keep God in your heart.

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