How to Achieve Ideal Testosterone in Men

how to achieve ideal testosterone levels

How to Achieve Ideal Testosterone Levels in Men? Nationwide, an estimated 15 million men age 45 and older suffer from Low T.  Just what is Low T?  Low T is Low Testosterone.  After age 30, serum testosterone in men declines approximately 1% to 2%, annually. This is a serious situation. Low testosterone levels lead to…

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How Micronutrient Testing Saved Me From Diabetes

Yes, even us healthcare practitioners can succumb to micronutrient deficiencies (and diabetes), even when we think we are eating properly and are at a healthy weight. I am going to be transparent here, and share with you “my story” of why having “micronutrient testing” is so very important. I will also share with you my…

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Traveling with Diabetes

traveling with diabetes checklist

If you are taking any type of diabetes medications, especially medications, such as insulin or sulfonylureas, are you letting your diabetes get in the way of you traveling more and seeing the world? I hope not. There is no need to let diabetes hinder your travel plans or have your travel plans be hindered by…

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Micronutrient Approaches to Reduce Blood Sugar, Insulin Resistance & Diabetes Complications

nutritional supplements, vitamins, minerals

Overwhelming scientific evidence confirms that vitamin, mineral and antioxidant deficiencies suppress immune function and contribute to chronic inflammatory degenerative processes, such as arthritis, cancer, Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. We have seen over and over the myriad of scientific studies that demonstrate the ability to prevent, treat and even reverse type 2 diabetes through diet…

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Pumping Iron to Improve Your Diabetes Control

To maintain a healthy body and to promote good diabetes control, your body needs iron!  You may remember from your high school chemistry that iron is a strong, hard, magnetic, silver-gray metal that is atomic number 26 in the chemical element list.  Iron is found naturally in the foods we eat, and iron is a…

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Stop Trying to Change Me

Stop Trying to Change Me

Do You Need to Change?  You have heard it all before.  You know what you need to do to improve your health.  You may need to stop smoking, start exercising, lose weight, eat breakfast, or cut the fat and salt and reduce the carbs.  We know that promising you an improved outcome by guiding you…

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