Welcome to Vital Health Solutions, a Functional Medicine, Nutrition & Hormone Lifestyle Wellness Practice.

We are glad you are here.

If you would like to become part of our selective Functional Medicine Lifestyle Wellness Practice, we are accepting new qualified clients and would love for you to join us. We are not your typical medical practice. We create relationships and provide support, which is different from how our current medical establishment works. Expect a new, revolutionized way of receiving health care when you trust us with your lifestyle wellness needs.

Please understand that we receive more requests to work with us then we can accept.

We only work with those who are ready to commit to getting well,

meaning your current health situation is unacceptable and you are ready

to make the changes necessary to get to your health goals.

If this is you, your first step to becoming part of our practice is to join us, along with your spouse or significant other, in watching our FREE recorded webinar, “Stress, Hormones & Health” Educational Events.

Space is limited, so register now!

Please click this link to register, or contact
our office at 832-327-9332,
to schedule.

We can’t wait to meet you.