FREE Educational Event

Stress, Hormones & Health

We are REVOLUTIONIZING Health Care and

we hope that you and your spouse/significant other

will become part of this new revolution to

transforming your health.

Everyone is welcome!

If you would like to become part of our selective Functional Medicine Lifestyle Wellness Practice, we are accepting new qualified clients and would love for you to join us. We are not your typical medical practice. We create relationships and provide support, which is different from how our current medical establishment works. Expect a new, revolutionized way of receiving health care when you trust us with your lifestyle wellness needs.

Please understand that we receive more requests to work with us then we can accept.

We only work with those who are ready to commit to getting well,

meaning your current health situation is unacceptable and you are ready

to make the changes necessary to get to your health goals.

We Can’t Help You If:

* you think your physician is the all-knowing authority

* you think someone else will fix you

* you are unwilling to change your diet, start exercising or take supplements

* you want your so-called “health” insurance to pay for everything

* you want a quick fix, not a long-term solution

* you would rather take a pill than do the work

We Can Help You If:

* you are willing to take responsibility for your own health but just need someone to show you how

* you see working on your health as an investment, not an expense

* you are a “glass half-full” kind of person and truly believe you can get better

* you are willing to do whatever it takes to get better

* you are willing to learn how to take care of yourself

If the latter is you, your first step to becoming part of our practice is to join us, along with your spouse or significant other, in watching our FREE, “Stress, Hormones & Inflammation” Educational Webinar. See below for more details. You can watch in the comfort of your home or office at any time!

Attendance to our Stress, Hormones & Inflammation Educational Event is a requirement & first step for becoming part of our selective Functional Medicine, Nutrition, Hormone & Lifestyle Wellness Practice.

Our current conventional, fee-for-service model, is no longer effective to get you to your health destination. It doesn’t work. Have you noticed how many sick people are among us? We don’t want you to become that next statistic!

Only one to two visits with us will not get you to your goals. We can’t fix you. Only your body can heal itself, but you will need to give it time. It didn’t get to an unhealthy place overnight. We understand what your body needs, and together, we can help you not just survive, but thrive.

If you are ready to take your health into your own hands and no longer rely on insurance companies, and you are ready to invest in your own health, we are happy (and can’t wait) to help you navigate that journey.

Attend Our FREE Virtual Event From Anywhere At Any Time

Click the Link Below to Register for our FREE Recorded Webinar offered “NOW” or at various days & times!

                                  Stress, Hormones & Health: Free Virtual Webinar

                                                                 Watch in the comfort of your home or office!

Stay to the end for a link to register for a FREE 15-minute Discovery Call with Dr. Cheryl

(Watching this webinar is required to schedule your initial visit so that you understand what our practice is all about and how we can help you)