Simple & Delicious Salmon Salad Wraps

Ingredients: 7.5 oz can wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon 1 red bell pepper, diced 1/4 cup walnuts, chopped 1 small green apple, chopped 1/2 cucumber, peeled, seeded and diced (or bread and butter pickles) 1/2 cup green or red onions to taste, chopped 1 tsp garlic, minced 2 T avocado mayonnaise Apple cider vinegar to taste…

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Roasted Pumpkin Soup

roasted pumpkin soup

Here’s a delicious soup recipe that you will love.  I haven’t reinvented the wheel here, but instead am giving credit to Danielle Walker of “Against All Grain,” for this wonderful recipe. Starting your meal with a nutritious soup may also help you feel full and reduce your serving sizes of the other courses. Ingredients: 2-1/2…

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You Can Choose to Say NO to Alzheimer's Disease: Potential Warning Signs and 9 Steps You Can Take to Avoid Becoming a Statistic, Even If You Have the Genetic Marker!

So your mother has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). You have been slowly witnessing the dramatic and devastating changes in her mental demeanor that has transformed her into someone you don’t recognize and who doesn’t recognize you. You have heard that your genes play a big role in determining the possibility of you also…

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It's NOT All in Your Head! Could It Be Your Fuel Efficiency?

Brain fog.  Loss of focus and concentration.  Poor attention span.  Depression.  Mood swings. Nervousness.  Stress.  Anxiety. Wired and tired. Can you or someone you love relate to experiencing any of these symptoms? Could your body actually be experiencing an anti-depressant or anti-psychotic medication deficiency? Is it time for Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, Lexapro, Ritalin, Haldol, Valium, Xanax?…

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4 Things You Must Do After Experiencing Flooding


There is no doubt that you are aware of the horrible devastation encountered in Texas by Hurricane Harvey. I am deeply saddened to see the significant losses experienced by so many families in my area. My family and I were one of the fortunate ones that did not encounter damage to our homes, and we…

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Cholesterol 101: Why is it Important?

THE WHAT Cholesterol is an important fatty compound that is made in the liver and also found in some foods. Cholesterol is a very important substance because it’s a major constituent of the cell membrane, and it’s necessary for the formation of hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and vitamin D, as well as other important compounds…

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