What Is Your Health Worth To You? Are You Ready to Put in What Is Needed to Flourish?

The New Frontier of Longevity (Your doctor knows nothing about)

I know that you have heard of “The Fountain of Youth,” “and the Anti-Aging,” movements, but now we have a new movement that is being called: “Longevity,” in order to better age more gracefully and for a more extended time. Who doesn’t want to live longer if you can guarantee feeling amazing and with limitless energy. I mean, “Sign Me Up Now!”

We are living in the worst of times, and the best of times.

Seriously, the “worse” of times is NOW, because we are the unhealthiest we have ever been as a nation and we have the sickest healthcare system in the world. You do know that you cannot and should not trust our conventional healthcare system to keep you well, right?

Of course you do! I have been preaching this for a very long time. The only person you can trust with your health, is YOU! My goal in what I do, is to make my clients “their own best doctor.” Are you working on YOU? If you are not, it is now time. No one is going to save you, except YOU. It’s time to put your health your number one priority! If you don’t have your health, forget about all of your other hopes and dreams.


If you are working on your health, Congratulations! What does it mean to work on your health? Good question! Working on your health for both genders means:

1. Going to bed timely and getting the sleep you need to help you body rejuvenate and detox.

2. Eating the most nutritious and toxic-free foods at the right times and assuring adequate digestion and elimination.

3. Taking the best pharmaceutical-grade supplements (because our soils are no longer giving us what we need).

4. Getting adequate movement that includes muscle-building activities, stretching, walking.

5. Stress-relieving activities, e.g. meditation, yoga; taking time for you and saying “no” more often.

6. Balancing your hormones at every age (and avoiding hormone disruptors that will tank your natural hormones).

7. Avoidance of toxins, microplastics, and ElectroMagneticFields (EMFs): this is huge and now absolutely another health practice you need to incorporate.

Does your doctor focus on these Crucial Seven Health Practices? Probably not. Honestly, though: if you are focusing on these “Crucial Seven,” you won’t ever have to go to the doctor. Really! There is nothing the conventional system offers that you need. They will try to tell you need this or that, but you don’t!



Did you know that the 3rd leading cause of death is “medical error!” That’s right! (For example: here is what can go wrong should you have a colonoscopy)

Here is an article on the downside of mammograms.

Even dentistry has its risks. One thing you should never get is a root canal. (Let us help you learn the better option, because disease begins in the mouth!)

So, everything you think you knew about staying healthy through the conventional medical system, is a lie! Question everything! Follow the $$$$. The best medicine to prevent chronic disease is PREVENTION! Period!


Now, I said Follow the Money,” if you want to know the motivation behind anything the conventional medicine model does.

Unfortunately, you may be using the conventional medicine system for your health care because of the money, right? Because your insurance covers it! But think about what you are doing? You are trying to get something for free that is absolutely worthless, because you don’t want to spend the money on what is needed to be healthy. I know that insurance isn’t “free.” Insurance is actually very costly. But it is “insurance.”

I am not telling you not to have health insurance!

The USA actually has the best “acute care system” in the world. You need insurance for these emergencies. But for chronic care, the conventional medicine model is a reactive system. It treats only the symptoms, but it never solves the real issue of your problem. It’s only a band-aid. If you really want to get well and stay well, you have to spend money on yourself. You spend money all the time on yourself if you are going on vacations, buying an i-phone, buying nice clothes, driving a stylish car. Let’s spend some of this money now on YOU, your health, and stop pouring your money into a system that gets you no where except more sick.

Yes, you have to pay out of pocket if you want “real health!”



Good news: We are now living in the BEST of times! Wait, didn’t you say we are living in the WORSE of times? Yes, I did! So which is it?

Getting healthy and staying healthy is available to you now if you really want it. In addition to the “crucial seven” I mentioned above, which our practice will help you figure out for your individual needs, there is even more now that science and technology is making available to us to extend our lives and improve its quality.

No, your doctor won’t be telling you about this crucial practice either!

What I am talking about is the new frontier of “PEPTIDES.” What are Peptides? Glad you asked. Click the link for a detailed explanation, but in short, “peptides help your body make good decisions by protecting and fixing the cell.” This will make more sense to you once you read this new blog post.

I am happy to say that I am always an active participant in continuing my education so that I can bring you cutting edge, advancements in health and wellness. The learning never ends for functional medicine practitioners like myself. I wish I could say the same for my conventional medicine practitioner peers, but I can’t. They are too tired at the end of the day from seeing a patient every 10 minutes, to educate themselves. Instead, their education only comes from the pharmaceutical reps. How do I know this? Because I use to be one, until I woke up and realized that everything I was taught in the conventional medicine model was wrong. My patients were not getting better, they were only getting worse.

Best move I ever made for my career was to leave the conventional medicine model and become a functional medicine practitioner. Was it easy? No! But nothing worthwhile is easy. I am happy to say that my newest certification is in prescribing peptides!

Don’t get left behind! Become a member of VITAL Health Solutions to optimize your life and your health once and for all!


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