GI Map DNA Stool Analysis

Could your “gut” microbiome be the cause of your diabetes and/or obesity, as well as micronutrient deficiencies?

Could your bugs be destroying your health?

Be sure to read both of these very insightful articles to learn more.

This simple non-invasive stool test will provide clinical value in managing gut health, as it will include analysis of digestion, absorption, bacterial balance, inflammation, yeast and parasites.  Gastrointestinal function is critical for good health.  This profile is indicated for people with diffuse and non-specific gastrointestinal symptoms.  The intestinal tract contains significant amounts of bacteria which, when imbalanced is associated with a wide variety of common illnesses including, but not limited to:

  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Irritable Bowel Disease
  • Interstitial Cystitis
  • Hormone Dysregulation
  • Environmental Toxin Retention
  • Non-Steroidal Antiinflammatory Drug (NSAIDs) damage (from overuse of ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen, etc)
  • Maldigestion and/or Malaborption of Micronutrients (impacting immune function, optimal nutritional status and mood
  • Gastroesophagel Reflux Disease perpetuation
  • Depression/Anxiety
  • Weight Gain/Obesity

Balancing gut microbiota is key for improving all aspects of health and wellness, and eliminating disease.  If you have the following symptoms, this test will benefit you:

  • gas
  • bloating
  • abdominal pain
  • constipation
  • diarrhea
  • bowel changes
  • fecal urgency
  • acid reflux
  • sleep problems
  • lack of energy
  • flatulence
  • nausea

Other Consequences of Imbalanced Gastrointestinal Health:

  • Maldigestion, malabsorption, dysbiosis and/or inflammation may be the cause of irritable bowel syndrome
  • Chronic maldigestion can lead to bacterial/fungal overgrowth and alterations in gut permeability.  Toxins and large molecules that escape the intestinal barrier can enter the general circulation, inflame the liver, burden the body’s detoxification system, and increase the risk for food allergies, joint disease, and imbalances in overall health.
  • Malabsorption can lead to deficiencies of nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.  This can result in long term health complications, such as anemia, malnutrition, impaired metabolism and other diseases, e.g. osteoporosis.
  • Chronic dysbiosis can lower the levels of beneficial short chain fatty acids and alter bacterial metabolic activity, thereby increasing the risk of cancer, hormonal imbalance and gastrointestinal inflammation.
  • Altered gastrointestinal function and exposure to bacterial pathogens can lead to diarrhea, mucosal inflammation, intestinal permeability, toxin production and auto-immune disorders.

You will be provided a noninvasive test kit that provides you everything you need to collect your sample(s) and ship to the lab.  This test will look for gastrointestinal bacterial balance, yeast overgrowth, metabolic activity, inflammation, infection and immune function.

Testing is not enough, however.  Make sure you have this test interpreted by a professional who has been trained to understand the results and who is able to make the appropriate treatment recommendations.

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