Erectile Dysfunction is defined as the “inability of a man to maintain an erection of the penis sufficient for satisfying sexual activity.”

Having an erection problem from time to time, shouldn’t necessarily always be a concern, and there should be no shame or embarrassment associated with this condition. However, if it should become an on-going issue, it can lead to stress, poor self-esteem, relationship problems, and interfere with overall health.

The Good News is: There is a Way to Do Something About It: SOUNDWAVE THERAPY

But first of all, let’s explore the causes and why it matters (see below)…..

It's time to act! Long-term issues related to Erectile Dysfunction, don't improve without changing something. Let us help you find that change.

Subscribe below & receive this important education that doctors are not telling you about that can change your life for the better!

“Without the ability to express

ourselves through sexuality,

and to form and maintain

intimate relationships,

we cannot achieve health.”

Age & Erectile Dysfunction

America leads the world in the prevalence of the number of cases of erectile dysfunction. Studies have indicated that the prevalence of ED in American 40-year old men is approximately 40%, in 50-year old men, the prevalence is approximately 50%, in 60-year old men the prevalence is 60%, and in 70-year old men and above, the incidence is greater than 70%.

Traditional Treatments (PDE-5 Inhibitors)

Pharmaceuticals Are Not For Everyone

Patients with the conditions listed below should avoid PDE-5 inhibitors

  • Severe forms of heart failure
  • Use of nitroglycerine
  • Severe forms of heart disease, such as arrhythmias,
    unstable angina, a recent heart attack
  • Very low blood pressure (hypotension)
  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure (hypertension)
    Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Recent history of stroke
  • Retinitis pigmentosa (PDE-5 non-responders)

Side Effects of Pharmaceuticals

  • Doesn’t allow for spontaneity of intimacy
  • Headache, flushing, runny nose, indigestion
  • Back pain (Cialis) and indigestion
  • Some men (<2%) experience prolonged or painful erections
  • Visual problems (blurred vision, increased sensitivity to light, bluish haze) may occur
nutritional supplements, vitamins, minerals
functional medicine doctor

Clinical Studies

  • Non-invasive treatment using Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (LI-ESWT)
  • Based on series of over 40 clinical studies showing 75+% success rate in treating ED

Click HERE for All the Available Clinical Research Studies Showing the Efficacy of Shockwave Treatment.

GAINSWave® is Safe, Proven & Effective

  • Utilizes high frequency, low intensity soundwaves to increase blood flow to the penis
  • Activates dormant cells, repairs aged blood vessels, stimulates growth of new blood vessels, removes decades of micro-plaque and activates new nerve tissue
  • Uses a specific protocol designed to optimize efficacy. safety and results
  • Drug- and surgery-free treatment performed in office
  • Erections are firmer and overall sexual function is improved

What To Expect?

  • Apply BLT numbing cream 30 minutes prior to your treatment
  • Allow 20-30 minutes for completion of the procedure
  • Immediate resumption of normal daily activities
  • 75% of men experience positive results after 6 treatments

GAINSWave therapy works to restore essential blood flow to the penis. It is a non-invasive treatment that semi-permanently improves penile blood flow. Approximately 75% of men with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction (ED) respond to this innovative therapy that has no significant side effects and minimal discomfort. GAINSWave is ideal for treating mild to moderate ED and also preventing the development of ED.

GAINSwave works by producing a pulse of energy which creates cavitation bubbles, which expand and then collapse, stimulating the activation of stem cells, production of vascular endothelial growth factor, and release of nitric oxide and growth of the Schwann nerve cells. At the biological level, the shockwaves produce microtrauma which leads to the release of VEGF (vascularendothelial growth factor), an increase in nitric oxide systhesis and the growth of new blood vessels.

Erectile Dysfunction is considered the "canary in the coal mine." It's a warning sign! Don't wait another minute to get it corrected.

Subscribe below for additional information & be alerted whenever we offer specials on our GAINSWave treatments.

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