
Neurotransmitter Questionnaire Assessment

Are you aware of the mind-body connection? I am sure you are. Think about a time when you were going to have to give a speech in front of several people. Did you get butterflies in your stomach or have to run to the bathroom due to an overactive gastrointestinal system? That was your emotions affecting your body’s function. See below for more information.



Almost all health conditions have a mind-body connection. For example, our immune system can become suppressed if we are depressed. A depressed immune system can have serious detrimental effects on our health. If we are anxious, this can disrupt our digestion, and if we are angry, our liver function can decline. But guess what? The opposite can also occur. Not only do our emotions affect our physical health, but our physical health, such as our nutritional status and our detoxification ability can affect our moods, behaviors and emotions, as well.

Our brain chemistry is a direct result of our nutrition status and ability to detoxify. Nutritional deficiencies, therefore, can affect our ability to detoxify as well as affect the balance of our brain’s neurotransmitters (chemicals in the brain that are made from the foods we eat, e.g. amino acids). Our behavior, ability to concentrate, our ability to recall memory and even our organ function are determined by our brain’s neurotransmitters.

Studies now show that hundreds of health conditions are the result of brain neurotransmitter deficiencies. These deficiencies fall into four categories:

* Physical Symptoms: pain, blood sugar dysregulation, immune & digestive dysfunction
* Personality Issues: anger, depression, anxiety
* Memory Issues
* Attention Issues

The greatest generator of electricity in our body is the brain. Brain chemicals, called neurotransmitters, are how the brain sends electric currents throughout the entire body. These neurotransmitters then send energy and information to the rest of the body’s cells, organs and glands. The body is truly amazing. But it’s not perfect. If we are bombarded with poisons, e.g. environmental toxins, or the body is starved of nutrients necessary to fuel our mitochondria (powerhouse of the cell), our brain and nervous system cells will become destroyed. These toxins, called excito-toxins, literally lead to death of the neurons.

If you think you are not exposed to these toxic substances, think again. I wrote about these in my book, “Prescription Detox: How Our Allegiance to Big Pharma Makes Us Sicker and How You Can Heal Without Meds.” Chemicals, e.g. MSG (monosodium glutamate), glyphosate and nutrasweet (also known as aspartame) in our foods, to name a few, or chemicals in our personal care products, or exposure to heavy metals like lead, mercury and aluminum in our food, water, dental work and more. All of these toxins can poison our precious cells, and result in serious health consequences.

The GOOD News:
Our brain chemistry can be balanced through minor nutrition and lifestyle adjustments. We just need to know where to begin and we begin by evaluating the condition they are now. We don’t do this with blood work, although there are laboratories that assess neurotransmitters with serum, but the accuracy of these test correlating to brain chemistry is poorly correlated. Better, is a detailed questionnaire, created by Dr. Eric Braverman, that has been found to accurately correlate with optimum brain function.

This self-assessment questionnaire will help you identify which, if any, neurotransmitter deficiencies may be adversely impacting your health and quality of life. You will receive an assessment tool that includes the function of the major neurotransmitters and their signs of deficiency and excess, and ways to increase or decrease them through specific foods and/or supplements, and/or lifestyle, based on your results.

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