Amaranth Seed Oil

Amaranth Seed Oil



The Power of Amaranth Seed Oil

One of the main properties of Amaranth seed oil has been used by the Japanese for years to promote longevity and excellent health – this nutrient, Squalene, was previously only found in the livers of deep sea sharks, but was more recently discovered in the Amaranth plant.

Since Amaranth seed oil has an 8% squalene content (as opposed to the 0-2% found in shark liver, which was still considered to be highly potent), it can be used to enhance your health and combat disease through its oxygenation capabilities. Amaranth seed oil also contains Lunasin, Oleic acid, Linoleic acid, Vitamin E and Folic Acid.

Beyond the effect it will have on your longevity and whole body health, what’s incredibly exciting is how it will make you look. Everyone who uses Amaranth reports healthy glowing skin. Used daily Amaranth will help to keep skin clear and youthful. It tastes so good that all you need to do is take a dropper full each day under the tongue. You’ll immediately be infused with energy and within a few short days your body will start to glow from the inside out.